July 10, 2024

SHI 7.10.24 – Greek Mythology

Helen of Troy, Greek mythology tells us, was the most beautiful woman in the world.  Wife of the king of Sparta, her abduction, the story goes, […]
July 3, 2024

SHI 7.3.24 – Musical Chairs

No matter how you measure it, by historic standards the US economy is huge today.   Consider the US labor force.   According to the Bureau of […]

About The Author

Terry Liebman

Terry Liebman is presently a Managing Partner of Liebman Group Advisors, LLC. For over 35 years Mr. Liebman has worked in debt and equity capital formation with a predominate focus in the area of investment real estate. As his business investments expanded beyond real property, so did his deep personal interest in finance and economics. Today Mr. Liebman remains both an active property and business investor, and avid student of the global financial markets, macroeconomics, behavioral economics and fascinating current-day events that catch his eye. Combining his math, physics and finance background, with his love for wine, art, and history, and the Steak House Index was born. This blog is the nexus of all these topics; of course, with a small dose of humor.