
July 10, 2024

SHI 7.10.24 – Greek Mythology

Helen of Troy, Greek mythology tells us, was the most beautiful woman in the world.  Wife of the king of Sparta, her abduction, the story goes, […]
July 3, 2024

SHI 7.3.24 – Musical Chairs

No matter how you measure it, by historic standards the US economy is huge today.   Consider the US labor force.   According to the Bureau of […]
June 27, 2024

SHI 6.26.24 – A Whole Lotta Red

Last week, I opined that our US economy is slowing slowing.   I think the FED is getting the “soft landing” they have attempted to engineer.  […]
June 20, 2024

SHI 6.19.24 – Meaty Observations

I visited San Francisco last week.  What I saw surprised me.   I suspect you’d agree mainstream news and media reports on the city are consistent:    […]