
July 15, 2016

July 15 2016 Nowcast Update

Let’s check in and see what the various Nowcast models are predicting for 2016: Q2 GDP. Follow these links to see the NY and Atlanta FED […]
July 1, 2016

Nowcasting Update: July 1, 2106

First, permit me to say a quick ‘Bonjour!’ as I’m presently in Paris.  And I’m editing this BLOG on my iPad…this is a challenge! You have […]
June 28, 2016

The Labor Market Conditions Index

When formulating monetary policy, the “data dependent” FED needs good data. The “Labor Market Conditions Index” fits the bill.   The LMCI is a type of […]
June 27, 2016

The New PCE

The FED constantly talks about the PCE, or “personal consumption expenditures,” when discussing inflation.  What – exactly – is it?   Why is it so important?  And […]