
November 18, 2020

SHI 11.18.2020: Is Run-a-way Inflation Here?

Inflation is now, and has always been, a wild and unpredictable beast.  It has been with us since the beginning of recorded human history.  In fact, […]
November 11, 2020

SHI 11.11.2020: Financial Stability Report

How safe are the banks, our stock markets and other investments?  With their finger on the pulse, and to answer this question, twice a year — […]
November 4, 2020

SHI 11.4.2020: Money Makes the World Go ‘Round

We don’t yet know the winner of the presidential election.   It’s close, but too early to call.  Personally, I find it fascinating, looking at the “red […]
October 28, 2020

SHI 10.28.2020: Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

The first official US GDP reading for the 3rd quarter of 2020 will be released tomorrow, Thursday, October 29th.   Expect a barn-burner.  In fact, expect the […]