
February 9, 2016

Japan’s Bond Yields and Political Adds: Both Negative!

As I’m taking a brief departure from yesterday’s political commentary, I needed a gimmick to bridge the two concepts. Since they’ve both now gone negative, I […]
February 8, 2016

The Economics of Politics

Earlier today, the Wall Street Journal published an article about “Spain’s Socialists.” I was intrigued and took a look. It was the ‘socialist’ reference that hooked […]
February 5, 2016

Negative Interest Rates? Really?

So let me get this straight: I borrow money from you…and YOU pay ME interest?   You give me money AND you give me interest?  Really?   Cool? […]
October 24, 2010

Today’s Yield Curve Solves Many Problems

Year-to-date in 2010, 325 banks have failed.   Like small boats on a rought sea, as loan losses pile up, these banks eventually succomb to the impossible obstacles […]